Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Love and War is one of those catchy songs that once you listen to it, you can never get it out of your head. I have had this song stuck in my head for days and I am weird because the only way I can get it out of my head is by listening to it. It actually works, try it and if it does not work maybe it's not for you. Love and War talks about how a couple goes back and forth in a relationship. They argue and they make up and the cycle continues. I love this song a lot, I can listen to it non-stop (my cousin can attest to this).

One day, one of my friends asked me why I liked such a depressing song. I replied that it's not depressing but that's love and that's how things work in some relationships. Later on, I started thinking more about relationship dynamics. Regardless of me loving this song, relationships should not be that TOXIC. You should not be in a situation where you constantly go back and forth or think you cannot live without the other. When you start thinking that there is nothing better for you out there, you let your significant other start treating you anyway they want and you start making excuses for them. Today it will be she/ he is just stressed out and tomorrow it will be my fault. Mind you, it's not only the guys who are bullies in relationships but we women too can be emotional bullies. Emotional scars are harder to heal than physical scars.

So when you see an unhealthy pattern in your relationship, take a deeper look and ask yourself where is this going and how is this going to turn out. We all deserve to be in a healthy relationship where we are loved and treated well. Arguments should not define a relationship. I am not saying don't argue, go ahead argue but it should not be something that happens every 30 mins or an everyday habit. I am not an expert in relationships but I have seen a few people go through trying relationships and it hurts me to see them go through it. Don't be in a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, instead work towards a healthy relationship.