Friday, October 16, 2015

Taking Risks


Last night while I was lying awake, it got me thinking that I have never taken risks in my life before. I have always been too cautious. I have always played it safe out of fear or I thought that was the best way. There is nothing wrong with playing it safe. I mean hey it brought me to where I am today right?

But I have been thinking by playing it safe what opportunities did I miss? Where would have been today? I don’t want to dwell on that too long. I have realized that life is about taking risks regardless how scared you are. Those risks may be your path. At the same time it’s about realizing if those risks are worth it. In life we tend to get worried about tomorrow. We pass opportunities because we think that we won’t be able to afford it tomorrow or what if tomorrow come and it doesn’t work out. Well, God tells us that he takes care of the birds, of the plants, of the grass what makes you think he will not take care of you?

I want to be able to let go of that fear and just strap on my tools and take the risks. I am done with playing it safe and passing on opportunities. It does not hurt to try it, if it doesn’t work out it was worth a try but if it works then hooray!!!!I know God has my back and I will not be worried about tomorrow. So I am taking this journey that I do not know what it holds but I hope it is worth the risk. To new beginnings and to taking risks because that is what life is about. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015


This is one of the songs that gives me hope and makes me feel alright. The song is by Group I Crew. Group 1 Crew is a Christian rap group. Few years ago I had the opportunity to see them in concert and they were amazing. I know a lot of times I say a song is my favorite song but hey I have a lot of favorite songs. This song is my hope song, together with MY REDEEMER LIVES but that's another song for another entry.

Life is not smooth sailing. Life is made of ups and downs and its guaranteed. The most important thing is how we deal with it. We all have had issues that never seem to go away, they kept on or keep on happening to us. We  ask ourselves "why us"? It is like a never ending roller coaster. It is a type of roller coaster that always takes you on that scary part were you scream your lungs out, it is never on the fun part. Most of us when we have a lot happening in our lives we tend to lose hope, we blame things on God or others, we do not do anything about the situation we are in, we just wallow in it.

The past year I have been through a lot. I was sick months in a roll and I never saw the ending to the pain and the putting my life on hold. A lot of times I lost hope. I just didn't see getting better because nothing I was doing made me better. Then I realized that I need hope, I need to see the brighter side of the situation and get excited about life. Honestly, I prayed a lot. I have always been a person who prays everyday, every night but this time I put a lot of hope and faith in my prayers. That gave me hope and I noticed differences in my health. I also started being positive because being negative did not make it any better. Having a support system was also a huge help in me getting better.

Being hopeful gives a whole different meaning to a situation or to life. If you are going through anything in your life try to be hopeful or try be positive. Things might not start working out right away but it might help mentally and with our well being.  Eventually things get better. Yes! the saying "There is a light at the end of Tunnel" is true.Try it, it might make a difference.