Friday, October 16, 2015

Taking Risks


Last night while I was lying awake, it got me thinking that I have never taken risks in my life before. I have always been too cautious. I have always played it safe out of fear or I thought that was the best way. There is nothing wrong with playing it safe. I mean hey it brought me to where I am today right?

But I have been thinking by playing it safe what opportunities did I miss? Where would have been today? I don’t want to dwell on that too long. I have realized that life is about taking risks regardless how scared you are. Those risks may be your path. At the same time it’s about realizing if those risks are worth it. In life we tend to get worried about tomorrow. We pass opportunities because we think that we won’t be able to afford it tomorrow or what if tomorrow come and it doesn’t work out. Well, God tells us that he takes care of the birds, of the plants, of the grass what makes you think he will not take care of you?

I want to be able to let go of that fear and just strap on my tools and take the risks. I am done with playing it safe and passing on opportunities. It does not hurt to try it, if it doesn’t work out it was worth a try but if it works then hooray!!!!I know God has my back and I will not be worried about tomorrow. So I am taking this journey that I do not know what it holds but I hope it is worth the risk. To new beginnings and to taking risks because that is what life is about.